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At the rate Downtown Garland has been adding public art, you need a program to keep up and a map to make sure you don’t miss anything. So we’ve made that information available and created the Public Art Walking Tour.
The self-guided Public Art Walking Tour features 12 pieces, one dating to 1994, but many unveiled within the last year. Make plans to set aside 30 minutes to an hour, tap into the map and information and enjoy the artwork from today’s Garlandites in Downtown’s century-old setting.
And while you’re there, help us spread the word about Garland’s first-ever Public Art Walking Tour. Take a selfie or photo of any art exhibit on the tour and post it on social media, using #ARTlandTX and #MYMGarland.
The self-guided Public Art Walking Tour features 12 pieces, one dating to 1994, but many unveiled within the last year. Make plans to set aside 30 minutes to an hour, tap into the map and information and enjoy the artwork from today’s Garlandites in Downtown’s century-old setting.
And while you’re there, help us spread the word about Garland’s first-ever Public Art Walking Tour. Take a selfie or photo of any art exhibit on the tour and post it on social media, using #ARTlandTX and #MYMGarland.
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